Many individuals assume that simply using hearing aids will fully resolve their hearing difficulties. However, this often leads to significant dissatisfaction, as many of their specific needs may remain unmet.
Unfortunately, there are hearing care clinics that lend support to this misconception by leaving their clients bewildered and frustrated with their hearing care experience.
What’s the right answer when it comes to addressing hearing challenges?
Port Credit Audiology & Hearing Aid Clinic is a full-service hearing healthcare clinic. Our approach to hearing health is focused on providing the essential hearing care services that address the unique needs and circumstances of each individual who walks through our doors.
To answer the question “What should a full-service hearing care clinic look like?”, we have compiled a list of the qualities that set us apart as full-service providers.
Educated Patients Are Satisfied Patients
The more you understand about your hearing challenges and the solutions available, the better able you are to set and reach your better hearing goals. Your satisfaction will be the result of seeing those goals being met.
Professionals With Cutting-Edge Techniques and Technologies
We cannot educate you if we do not educate ourselves. In addition to licensing and certification, our professionals are engaged in continuing professional education so we can deliver hearing care with the most cutting-edge techniques and technological advancements in hearing testing, hearing solutions, and rehabilitation.
Personalized Comprehensive Testing
At a full-service hearing care clinic, you are not lumped in with a group of individuals who have a similar degree of hearing loss. Your hearing evaluation and the result it produces are unique to you.
We use many techniques and test protocols that assess the entire auditory system to give you a full picture of your hearing health. As such, our comprehensive testing allows us to evaluate your unique communication challenges so we can provide targeted solutions.
Personalized Treatment Solutions
Because your hearing challenges are unique, the best approach to addressing them is with personalized treatment options. At a full-service clinic, that means making all treatment options available to you rather than pushing one specific solution and spending time trying to make it work for you.
We offer a wide range of technologies in a variety of styles, with various user-friendly options, and different levels of investment for you to choose from. We guide you through the process, but we ultimately allow you to choose the option that best meets your better hearing goals.
Personalized Counselling and Programming
Achieving your better hearing goals is not something that takes place in one or two visits. We focus on understanding how your hearing technology is serving you through real-life usage and observation.
That means we are listening to you and providing solutions to the various challenges you might have with your hearing aids as you become accustomed to them. Thistypically involves ongoing programming and adjustments to help you achieve the hearing experience that fits your goals and expectations.
Ongoing Service and Support
An extension of our personalized approach to hearing care includes offering ongoing service and support like:
- Earwax removal and management
- Custom earmolds and earplugs
- Tinnitus management
- Hearing aid maintenance and repair
- Annual hearing evaluations to assess how your treatment is progressing
- Clean & Check appointments for your hearing aids twice a year
- Ongoing troubleshooting support
- Ongoing education and encouragement
We’re Building Relationships, Not Customers
Why do we believe that these are the essential qualities of a full-service hearing care provider?
At Port Credit Audiology & Hearing Aid Clinic we are building relationships, not customers, which means we strive to ensure the solutions we provide meet your needs and support you every step of the way.
If you’re looking for a more satisfying hearing care experience, look to our full-service hearing care clinic in Mississauga to meet your needs today! Contact us to schedule an appointment or give us a call at (905) 990-3755.